Toothy Buddies Apps

Write Dance 1.0.4
For children aged two to five, one of thebiggest hurdles in learning is writing. Write Dance: LearningWriting in a Multisensory Way (English and Simplified ChineseVersion would be launch very soon, please visit our website)introduces the write dance principle originated from Europe andAmerica. We have also included improved content, and offered a newway to parents and teachers for teaching children to write. Atclasses, multisensory teaching is tailored according to learner’sage. The activities and games we developed involve trainingchildren’s large-muscle, small-muscle and visual senses. Byextending children’s learning from school to home, and inspiringparent coming up with interesting and educational familyactivities, we hope to make writing more fun and effective.The e-books on bookshelve introduce the idea of Write Dance andrelated teaching principle to parents and teachers. We also includeautomatic adaptative exercises for home training.Educational e-books:- : Multisensory teaching is prevalent. This teaching approachallows children with different learning modes to benefit andintensifies their memory with various media use. Knowing whichlearning mode your kid belongs to and provide them with the correctlearning tools are only beneficial to the ones who teach andlearn!- : Parents and teachers learn more about children’s musclesdevelopment and its relationship with writing. When children write,different abilities and coordination are required, to make writingan easy task for kids, this book suggests a variety of in-homeactivities which boost children’s coordination of the gross motorskills and fine motor skills, and help develop a correct and steadywriting posture.- : Based on multisensory teaching, Write Dance includes the foursenses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, encouragingchildren with different learning modes to write with fun. At home,you can have a Write Dance with your kids!Adaptive Training Exercise:We have developed a series of learning materials for children withdifferent competences in visual perception. These exercises enhancechildren’s control of eye movement, image recognition and theirperception of direction and space. On shelves soon!- Level of difficulties of the exercise is automatically adjustedaccording to children’s performance and abilities.- The task will not be too easy and bore the kids, but will not betoo difficult to disappoint them.- Different from the exercise on papers, the adaptative exerciseare tailor-made with reference to their learning progress andaptitude, fostering children’s independency and individuality inlearning.- Children’s learning progress is recorded, analyzed, and reportedfor a clearer picture of your children’s development.
Carnival of Animals 1.0.8
We all have musical ability. It’s part of ournature. But children between 2 and 6 are in a golden era of braindevelopment when they are most responsive to musical learning.Our “Carnival of Animals” is not just an amusing interlude, itenables your children to explore music and learn about the animalsand the world in an engaging way. Simple and funny image spectrumswhich designed by experienced music teachers are like sheet music.They show the highs and lows, the longs and shorts, and the varyingpace of music. Your children can enjoy the music and develop basicmusicality by following the rhythm. They can also feel and learnabout different aspects of music in the activities.What to learn?In our “Carnival of Animals” interactive teaching material, we useSaint Saëns’ wonderful music to enable children to explore thedifferent elements of music:• Learn about most important elements of music: duration, pitch,volume and timbre etc.• To have good rhythm, one must first learn pulses that arecontinuous and steady.• Follow the beat and tap on funny image spectrums.• Emphasize strong beats with different levels of force.• Experiencing triple time and ternary form is not difficult atall• Find different musical phrases from the piece.• In accordance with the pitch of music and find out melodiccontour.• Get to know Saint-Saëns and his famous music Carnival ofAnimals.We are on:• The Guardian: “50 best Android apps for kids 2013”• Red Rocket: “2013 Best Educational Android Apps”• Joy of Android: “ Top 10 Android Apps for Kids Learning”• Memory “10 Best Android Apps For Kids From2013”• Famigo “Famigo APProved Badge” awarded• Fun Educational Apps: “ Top Educational Apps”• The iPhone Mom 5 Star recommendation• The iMums• Smart Apps for Kids• Top Kids Apps
Butterfly Kaleidoscope 1.0.2
Rainbow Slide is one of the visualperceptuallearning materials from ""Write Dance: Multi-sensorywritingactivities for children"". These practices provide childrenwithtraining on eye movements, develop their directional andspatialperceptions, and stimulate their visual recognition skills.Parentsand teachers will be provided with learning records andperformancereports to monitor the children’s learning progress.When teaching children to write, accuracy and legibility arethetwo prerequisites. To write neatly without compromising thewritingspeed, the hands have to coordinate with the eyes andminds!“Butterfly Kaleidoscope” is an activity based onvisual-spatialrelationships, in which the children get familiarizedwith thespatial relationship between two or more objects. Thisenhancestheir spatial judgment and helps them to write neatChinesecharacters with correct arrangements of the components.Inaddition, this exercise is helpful in the following ways:• Distinguishing the positions of left and right, top andbottom,inside and outside• Avoiding mixing up the positions of the left and rightcomponents,for example, the Chinese characters (部) and (陪)• Helping children to grasp the proportion of the componentsinChinese characters, for instance, 1:1 proportion (林-wood),one-third proportion (樹- tree), or even differences inlength andwidth(棍- rod)• Good spatial perception skills help with keepinghandwritingwithin boxes or on straight lines.• Every day, we draw on spatial perception skills whenestimatingcertain areas, finding our way and remembering how togetplaces.A Chinese character is composed of a number of components.Byworking on the spatial relationship in the activity, childrenareprepared to grasp the structure of Chinese characters,andeventually to write with accuracy and legibility. In theactivitydesigned for advanced players, the butterfly wings increaseinnumber from 4 to 6. More shapes, and more similar shapes, aregivenfor the children to deal with. They also have a shorter timetofinish the tasks too!Do you want to know if your child is making progress? We arehereto provide detailed records and analysis on the child’slearningperformance. So, don’t worry! Relax and enjoy theseactivities withyour child! Which one of you will get a higherscore is anybody’sguess!We use automatic adapted exercises!Butterfly Kaleidoscope is one of our automatic adapted exercises.Inother words, the level of difficulty of the exercise isadjustedautomatically based on the children’s capacities andtheirperformance. Therefore, the children will not find thepractice tooeasy and get bored, nor will they feel frustratedbecause of howdemanding is it. Unlike the paper exercise books wehave today, thecontent of the automatic adapted exercise istailor-made for eachchild according to the child’s learningprogress and aptitude,promoting independent and individuallearning.There’s a time limit!How much time does it buy you by saying “Just one more go”?Theanswer is probably different for the children and parents! Totheparticipants, “5 minutes” is nothing; to those who are waiting,“5minutes” is more than enough. Seeing the parents and theirchildrenfighting over the use of electronic gadgets is the lastthing wewant, because after all, we advocate children to learn withfun!Hence, we suggest that before doing the activities, parentsandchildren agree on a time limit for the activity. Once the timeisup, the children should take a 30 minute break before workingonthe activity again.
Chinese Letter Academy 1.0
 “My Chinese Copybook”, recommended byappstores in 14 countries as one of the “Best New Apps”,isexclusively designed for children to learn stroke orderwhenwriting Chinese characters. “Chinese Letter Academy” is anupgradedversion of “My Chinese Copybook”. In addition to adoptingthewidely recognized learning strategies, a dictation functionisadded with an expanded letter library Parents can now purchasethewords selectively according to their needs.After purchasing tokens on the app store and activating thedownloadfunction with them, parents can select suitable words anddownloadthe desired items to their accounts. They can decide thedictationcontent as well. Our interactive app can turn a stressfulanddreaded revision process into an interesting game.Apart from writing characters correctly, stroke order, thewritingpattern generated according to the construction of anindividualChinese character, is one of the most important elementsthatchildren have to learn when mastering the art of handwritingfromkindergarten. Writing characters in the correct stroke ordercangreatly facilitate the learning of the spatial relationshipsandthus produce visually appealing characters; what’s moreimportant,correct stroke order is vital for beginners to memorizethecharacter’s composition, so that when they write they will notmissa stroke or two.Learning to copy Chinese characters according to a certainorderprovides children with clear ideas about where to start towrite,and the direction as well as the sequence of the strokes.Whenchildren write on the screen of a tablet or a smartphone withtheirlittle fingers, they concentrate more on learning the strokeorderbecause they do not have to experience the difficulty ofholding apencil.In this system, the stroke orders are strictly based ontheLexical Items with English Explanations for FundamentalChineseLearning in Hong Kong Schools published by ChineseLanguageEducation Section, Curriculum Development Institute,EducationBureau, HKSAR in 2009, and their List of Graphemes ofCommonly-usedChinese Characters: 2007 Re-arranged with Cantoneseand PutonghuaPronunciations and Simple English Explanationspublished in2012.Functions:• Commonly used words in kindergartens are available in theletterlibrary. More words are coming soon.• Parents can use tokens to pay just for the words they needwithoutpurchasing them all.• This program enables parents to decide the dictationcontent,making it the best revision companion for theirchildren.• This program provides a reasonable number of reminders.Childrencan learn the stroke order of Chinese characters in aprogressiveway.• This program will make sure that the children can finishwritingevery character according to the correct strokeorder.Consequently, parents do not have to squeeze in monitoringtheirchildren’s practice.• This exercise book can display children’s dailyaccomplishments,and even put all their work on the same characterin a line to showtheir progress.• There is a time limit! Seeing parents and their childrenfightingover the use of electronic gadgets is the last thing wewant,because after all, we encourage children to learn with fun!Hence,we suggest that before doing the activities, parents andchildrenagree on a time limit for the activity. Once the time isup, thechildren should take at least a 30 minute break beforeworking onthe activity again.